Capture The Flagunblocked Evrything

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Flags (or pins), hula hoops, pylons
Game Description: Capture The Flag is one of the most popular physical education games out there. It is an intense action game, with lots of team strategy, and lots of activity. There are many versions of this game; the version shown here has been tried and tested many times, and proves to be one of the most enjoyed games in the gym. The idea is simple: be the first team to capture all the flags, and bring them to your side. Careful to not get tagged, or you’re stuck in jail until someone saves you!

  1. Capture The Flagunblocked Everything Came
  2. Capture The Flag Game

Capture the Flag. Car Eats Car 2 Deluxe. Car Eats Car 3: Twisted Dreams. Car Park Challenge. Cards Against Humanity Online. This channel was generated automatically by YouTube's video discovery system.

EverythingCapture The Flagunblocked Evrything

Capture The Flagunblocked Everything Came

Capture The Flagunblocked Evrything

Capture The Flag Game

  1. Create the playing area as shown. On each on a half of the gym: a hula hoop in the corner with flags inside, surrounded by cones. Also 2 hula hoops as prisons.
  2. Teams start in their own half. The goal is for teams to try and capture all of the flags to their own side.
  3. When traveling on the opposing teams side, players can get tagged. If that happens, they must go into a jail.
  4. Players can save someone in jail by safely making it to them, and then both get a free walk back to their side.
  5. If players make it into the opposite flag area (inside the cones) they can’t be tagged in there. They will try to escape with 1 flag back to their side.
  6. If tagged along the way back with flag in hand, they must return the flag and go into prison.
  7. Use ‘rock, paper, scissors’ to solve any problems when players from both sides argue whether players were passed the line or tagged before getting passed.
  8. If a team captures all of the flags, the round is over. Start a new round!