Renaissance And Reformationmr Volkmar's Course Pages

Your Renaissance and Reformation assignments are on my google classroom page and they are due this Friday 4/17/20. I briefly explain the Reformation on the link above and included the quiet. Volkmar's Weebly pages!:) I am looking forward to a great semester together. My email is: For my current students in fall of 2020, please join my class: 2nd period join code: @ 7fcbe49 3rd period join code: @3f4b72 4th period join code: @ 4389b8 .

It is clear and evident that during the Renaissance and the Reformation period, many changes and modification were made in the area of religion. The Catholic religion was fairly unstable and as a result new religious groups beliefs were formed. However, there were specific people who helped initiate this entire process. Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther and Jean Calvin all played a key role in the modifications of religion during the Renaissance and the Reformation.
First of all, Desiderius Erasmus changed people's perspective on religion. He was definitely one of the most influential humanists in the northern renaissance. His biggest factor that contributed to the modification of religion was that he translated the New Testament into the language of the people. Even though Erasmus was a Catholic his ideals helped start Protestantism. He tried to make people understand and interpret religion themselves. Basically, Erasmus tried to clarify ancient texts such as the New Testament to 'bring it' to the people so they could understand what they were reading. Erasmus illustrated the importance of not only the understanding of the bible and religion but the interpretation of it by the people.
Another person that helped make religion an important aspect of the Renaissance and the Reformation was Martin Luther. Martin Luther was a Parish priest during the sixteenth century. What made Luther different from other Parish Priests was that he was educated and had a new viewpoint on faith and the church. Most Parish Priests at the time claimed that in order to reach heaven you would have to do good deed on earth and give money to the church. Luther completely disagreed with this viewpoint and wrote a ninety-five theses based on why that was wrong and posted it for others to read. Luther believed that in order to go to heaven you had to have faith. What makes important to the Renaissance was that he b

Renaissance And Reformationmr Volkmar

Renaissance And Reformationmr Volkmar's Course Pages Jaunes

  1. Look at new technology from the Renaissance. We will be focusing on moveable type. We will use the following notes to start our discussion then you will answer the questions on Edmodo Moveable Type Notes. You will find the following resource useful when completing the questions on Edmodo Type Resource

  2. Next we are going to look at the Protestant Reformation. We will focus on the role of Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry the VIII, and the Printing Press in the Protestant Reformation. You will complete the following google drawing to help you see the connections that lead to the Protestant Reformation Reformation Drawing. You might find the following resources helpful Reformation OverviewHorrible Histories History ChannelCrash CourseReformation BasicsReformation Introduction