Argumentative Researchmr. Becker's Classroom

Learning Targets

I can explain how authors use textual evidencewithin fictional characters to make them more believable and real.

We will be able to gather textual evidence to explore controversial ideas and then successfully defend different viewpoints.

Becker’s Classroom. Becker’s Classroom Tim Becker. 801-794-2226 ext. One of my favorite quotes is “Never, give up. Never surrender!” from Tim Allen in the Start Trek parody Galaxy Quest. It is possible that the movie writers took it from Sir Winston Churchill who. Argument: Debate. Friday Maybe add a day and insert an activity. Guided instruction. No bell activity. Discuss the questions generated by each side of the argument. New Argument: Evidence that Rainsford has decided Killing a human being is acceptable.

Common Core State Standards

W.9.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

a. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns.

c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.

d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.

Argumentative researchmr. becker

e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

W.9.9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

a. Apply grades 9–10 Reading standards to literature (e.g., “Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work [e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bible or how a later author draws on a play by Shakespeare]”).

b. Apply grades 9–10 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g., “Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning”).

Argumentative Researchmr. Becker's Classrooms

SL.9.3.Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

üQuestioningand discussion techniques:

üEngagingStudents learning

üDemonstratingflexibility and responsiveness

üCommunicating withstudents

ü Instruction and Assessment: Domain 3: Standards 3, 4, 6

Argumentative Researchmr. Becker's Classroom Lesson

Argumentative Researchmr. Becker's Classroom Assessment



Instructional Strategy

Day 1



anticipatory set
Teacher read

Calvin and Hobbs


Visual prompt

Journal:Two contrasting images:What do you notice about these two images.


Discuss prompt


Art comparison


Plan B:Story about the unsolvable problem.Heinz's dilemma



Hand out voting paper.Have students vote.Is the husband justified in breaking the law to save his wife's life?
Don’t reveal results yet


Guided instruction

Explain Double Entry notes to the students.They will journal while we read.
Column one: a quote word or phrase.
Column two: a corresponding question or comment that supports their character.

Guided discussion

Discuss argument for the remainder of class

Acc. English

Split class into opposing Argument groups

HW. Read part I 'The Most Dangerous Game.'

Take two column notes.

Day 2




Prompt: Is it within your power to decide if rules can be broken?Should rules remain concrete?


Teacher lead

Introduce The Most Dangerous Game.Brief summary of characters.Remind students of the word exercises in Charge of the Light Brigade.Background on Characterization of Rainsford


Image Comparison

Have two images prepared for analysis, one to represent Rainsford and the other to represent what Gen. Zaroff may have been like.

Show the first and have students openly describe what they see

Show the second and have them compare the two

Discussion about the characters in The Most Dangerous Game' using the differences in the images as examples.


English 9: Guided instruction

Activity Observation Assessment

Review Argument process from 'The Charge.'

The Argument Debate
Split class into two groups and remind students of the discussion we had on argument in literature in our intro to the class.

Half the students will look for evidence that support Zaroff as a good man who wants to help Rainsford
Half the students will look for evidence that support there is something untrustworthy about Zaroff.


English 9: Guided instruction

Read up through paragraph 84: In double entry notes, have students record:
Practice looking for supporting argument evidence
Two quotes that they feel supports their argument.
A vocabulary word within each quote that is the most significant
After finished, predict what will happen at the end of the double entry notes


English 9: Independent work

Studentscollaborate with each other and share their reasons for the notes they took
Each group should generate a statement including evidence supporting their argument.
Assignment: To be turned in before the end of class along with the journals


Acc. English

Activity: Small debate

Day 3



Teacher lead Class Discussion.PowerPoint slide

No bell activity.Discuss the questions generated by each side of the argument.
New Argument: Sides

The students will look for evidence that support Rainsford is justified in being completely against killing another human being.

Students will look for evidence that Zaroff is justified in hunting human beings


Guided instruction

Back story: Characterization of General Zaroff's (back story), connect it to the Charge of the Light Brigade. Have students take notes about Zaroff's background


Independent reading

Read through paragraph 167 as a class: Remind students about double entry notes requirements:
two quotes that they feel supports their argument.
A vocabulary word within each quote that is the most significant
After finished, predict what will happen at the end of the double entry notes


Small Groups

Observation Assessment

Studentscollaborate with each other and share their reasons for the notes they took.
Each group should generate a statement including evidence supporting their argument.
Argument: Debate

Day 4


Maybe add a day and insert an activity


Guided instruction.Prezi

No bell activity.Discuss the questions generated by each side of the argument.
New Argument: Evidence that Rainsford has decided Killing a human being is acceptable.


Student read

Finish Story:Remind students about double entry notes requirements:
underline a quote that they feel supports their argument.
Circle the vocabulary word within each quote that is the most significant
When finished record markings in double entry notes


Teacher lead

Classroom discussion about the story.
Allow students to generate discussion with comments and readdress the essential quesiton. Who decides what is write or wrong? How does this apply in your own lives.
Inform students of the next days assignment

Day 5


Individual Work

Assessment: Through their own perspective, students will write a well organized paragraph taking a stand on one side or the other, using evidence from The Most Dangerous Game to support their argument.

There always seems to be an air of anticipation walking into a new classroom on the first day of school. The atmosphere builds as the eager teacher motions students into the room, students nervously approach their new environment, and parents anxiously wave their last goodbyes before the door closes… and then what?

With 20 or so little humans staring attentively at the front of the class, the floor is yours! This is the moment to make a positive first impression, and more importantly, set the stage for the formation of a constructive classroom community. So which preschool classroom rules should you introduce to your students, and how should you approach them?

Here are a few ideas and considerations to get you started… but if you want to cut to the chase, below you can find printable rules for your use!

How to Create Classroom Rules

As you prepare your lesson plan, an important factor to decide is what type of rules you would like to share with your students and how you should communicate them. Establishing these rules will help build the foundation for a strong classroom community and will support pro-social behaviorsas children begin to have a more active role in the classroom and are held accountable for their actions. You’ll want to keep your rules simple, use positive phrasing, and incorporate visuals as much as possible!

Create a List

Begin by creating a list of rules that you feel are important for your students to follow. As the teacher, you set the tone and lay the foundation for the way rules should be addressed. This is your call – make it count. From your initial list, select the most important rules that you would like the children to focus on and keep them as a reference when you involve the students.

Argumentative Researchmr. Becker's Classroom Activities

Keep It Simple

Rules should be short and easy to comprehend. Keep them to a minimum by sticking to no more than 4-5 “golden” rules. By making them straightforward, you can ensure that you are communicating effectively to your students, as opposed to using complex language that can confuse your preschoolers.

Use Positive Phrasing

As the saying goes, “when you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.” Apply this to your rules, and sprinkle in the sunshine! By utilizing positive phrasing in your classroom rules, your students will be less likely to view the rules in a negative light. Instead of using phrases such as “Don’t Run” or “No Yelling,” take the approach of “Walking Feet” and “Quiet Voices.” Using this positive wording allows your students to more easily associate what they should be doing vs. what they shouldn’t be doing.

Incorporate Visuals

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Visuals will provide students the cues needed to associate rules with certain actions. Be sure to have a corresponding visual for each rule, as that will help improve recall among students.

Sample Rules

Here are some of our favorite rules that you can share with your classroom:

  • Quiet Voices
  • Looking Eyes
  • Walking Feet
  • Listening Ears
  • Helping Hands
  • Clean Classroom
  • Safe Play

How to Explain and Introduce Rules into the Classroom

Once you have a grasp on the type of approach and visuals you would like to use, involve the students! Children are more likely to adhere to the rules if they feel like they contributed to their creation. They will have an enhanced sense of ownership and responsibility – helping nurture and build the classroom community as they all actively participate together in the rules’ creation.

Get Students Involved

As your first lesson, it’s time to co-create the classroom rules with your preschoolers. Keep your list of ideal rules handy and steer the students in the right direction. Participation is key! The more the children participate, the more likely they will be to stick to the rules. This activity should also help students break the ice in their new environment, and you’ll likely catch a glimpse into your new students’ personalities!

Explain Each Rule

Once you have decided on a set list of rules as a group, reinforce them by walking through each rule individually. Explain why there is a need for that specific rule and provide examples. This enables children to understand exactly what they should or shouldn’t do so that they can begin to associate specific behaviors with each rule.

Argumentative Researchmr. Becker
Display Your Classroom Rules

Upon finalizing your rules and corresponding visuals, display your masterpiece in the classroom! By having a constant visual presence, you can easily reference the rules in the future and reinforce your teachings on a daily basis.

How to Enforce Classroom Rules

Argumentative researchmr. becker

As all teachers know, enforcing classroom rules is an ongoing effort. Children will misbehave and test boundaries, but by proactively including lessons around rules, you can emphasize them to your students and continue to foster a structured and safe classroom environment.

Incorporate Stories

Read and discuss books with relatable characters such as Max, who breaks the rules in Where the Wild Things Are. As you’re reading together, encourage children to share their experiences with rules and consequences related to this subject. This will exemplify to your teachings and help students avoid similar situations.

Here are some of our favorite books to tackle the subject of rules:

  1. The Grouchy Lady Bug
  2. How Kind
  3. Little Dino’s Good Manners
Use Positive Reinforcement

Positivity should always be a key element in the classroom environment. When enforcing the rules, do so in a positive manner. When rules are broken, gently remind children of the classroom rules poster.

The goal is never to make a child feel bad about themselves, but instead to redirect their choices and undesirable behavior. Taking the extra one-on-one time with your student will go far in building their confidence and self-esteem and work towards preventing repeat offenses.

Printable Classroom Rules

Below you can find printable classroom rules templates for your use. Simply click on the photo below and it will open in a new window. Then select print in your browser settings.