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Catholic youth ministry leaders from around the world sharing their tips, tricks and resources to help you and your ministry reach more young people! Loon (formerly known as Project Loon) is a network of stratospheric balloons designed to bring Internet connectivity to rural and remote communities worldwide. A project dashboard is a high-level view of your project that tracks progress, costs and more. ProjectManager.com’s dashboard does all that in real time. Here’s a step-by-step introduction to the tool.
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This nation is firmly entrenched in maintaining white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism. This reality has been resisted in multiple ways, including organizing led by and among various communities of color for survival. However, many efforts still focus only on combating white supremacy, with limited attention to the way communities of color adopt and reinforce these harms amongst ourselves and against other marginalized groups in a “race towards the bottom” for naming our pain. As a result, many multiracial BIPOC communities continue to be challenged to develop authentic and accountable inter-group relationships despite a shared struggle under white supremacy. These challenges often undermine anti-racist organizing among people of color because each community is differently shaped and situated depending on intersectional issues and identities.
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BIPOC Project Solidarity Principles
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Decolonize Stories - Seek, learn, share and affirm the distinct histories of BIPOC communities; and unlearn dominant narratives
Develop a Power Analysis - Consider how each BIPOC community is differently situated in the racial hierarchy and differently affected by issues
Uplift Native and Black Humanity - Honor the legacies of Native and Black resistance to colonization and white supremacy; and actively examine how disparities and injustices uniquely affect Native and Black communities
Organize Your People – ‘Call in’ your communities to deeper understanding and empathy for all BIPOC communities with love and compassion
Build Intergroup Connections and Relationships – Build just relationships; and invest in one another’s liberation
Commit to Personal and Collective Healing – Practice both individual and community care; acknowledge ruptures and invite connection; and center healing and transformative justice